BABY SHOWER CAKE & PATISSERIE STAND Sharing our cake x pastries details:
I was so in love with our beautiful carrot cake that my go-to cake girl @alanajonesmann made for our special day! I wanted to have baby and Mediterranean/French elements on the cake like croissants, baby bottles, olive branches, oranges, lemons etc- The details were impeccable of each element and I literally screamed when I saw how cute the cake turned out!
I wanted to have a patisserie stand at the shower and bring a bit of France to LA with all of my favorite French pastries like almond croissants, macarons, eclairs, beignets, baguettes, etc! We had cute to-go boxes for guests to take pastries home as if you were at a French bakery! My favorite pastries in LA are from @bottegalouie so I knew our pastries had to be from there! We built the cute awning and created my dream French Al-fresco patisserie stand!
Thank you so much to @bottegalouie for all the beautiful pastries and @alanajonesmann for the dreamiest babyshower cake- you guys made my shower a dream come true! I’m over the moon with how everything tasted and turned out! #babyshower #patisserie #babyshowercake
Photography by @elli_lauren