November 04

So happy to give you my #diadelosmuertos look for this year(I know, I’m a little late! Sorry!) It’s one of my favorite Mexican holidays to celebrate because we get to honor and remember our loved ones who have passed away and I get to share with you my beautiful culture by dressing up with one of these catrina looks. I love that I get to work with my talented sister @lilylove213 every year on this as she does her magic on me! It’s become our sister yearly tradition & it’s my favorite! I was inspired by her bride catrina recently and I wanted to do my own version of it. I told her I wanted dry flowers to be a part of the look and well, here it is! I hope you guys love it as much as I do! Make sure to follow my sister @lilylove213 for constant inspo especially for #DDLM #dayofthedead ??

It’s been a hard year for all of us with everything going on in the world and this year has been extra difficult for me as I’ve lost some family this year (plus mourning Kobe too) So this year was extra meaningful for me to dress up and honor my loved ones. I will forever remember them & love them. ???

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